Abstract Submission Deadline: 07 January 2024

  • Abstracts should be written in Turkish or English using Microsoft Word program and should not exceed 300 (three hundred) words.
  • Abstracts are allowed to include a total of 2 figures, tables, or images.
  • In the first part of the abstract, after the title, there should be a section containing the titles, first and last names of the authors, information about the institution they are affiliated with, and their e-mail address.
  • Abstracts should include “Introduction and Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion” sections. Case presentations should contain the headings “Introduction, Case, Discussion”.
  • Abstracts should not include a bibliography. Therefore, quotations in the text should not be cited.
  • Keywords (maximum 5) related to the study should be included at the end of the abstract.
  • The submitted paper should state, at the end of the text, the following:
    • It has not been published elsewhere or presented at another congress, symposium, or scientific organization and
    • how it will be presented (as a poster or oral presentation).

The evaluation will be carried out by the “Abstract Evaluation Committee”, while maintaining the confidentiality of the researchers' names/surnames and institutions. The result of the evaluation will be communicated to all paper owners by e-mail. The participants to present an abstract must complete the congress registration no later than January 07, 2024. Accepted and presented papers will be published online in the “Congress Abstracts Book”.

  • Posters must be 70 x 90 cm in size and designed to be readable from a distance of at least 1 meter.
  • An easy-to-read font (e.g. Times New Roman, Arial and Courier) should be used.
  • Title, author names, and address information should be prepared in a font size of 26-40, and other sections should be prepared in a font size of at least 16-18.
  • Posters will be displayed on numbered boards in the halls to be determined by the Organizing Committee.
  • The organizing committee staff will provide poster display assistance.
  • Poster owners will be available at their posters at the times and locations listed in the program and will provide information regarding their posters.