Esteemed colleagues,
Esteemed company representatives,

As it is to your knowledge, sexual health and medical sexology are represented by World Academy of Sexual Health – WASHE and World Association for Sexual Health – WAS in the world, and in Europe they are represented by the European Federation of Sexology – EFS and in Türkiye, it is the Federation of Sexual Health Associations – CISEF.

As CISEF, we our deepest regards to you all. We have the honour to invite you to the CISEF 4th International Congress on Sexual Health to be held in Cyprus, Concorde Luxury Resort & Convention & Spa during 29 February – 3 March 2024 with an intention to share knowledge and experience in sexual health practice, to follow the updates in sexual health science and to gather with the colleagues in the field.

We have identified our slogan as “Let’s talk about sex” with a dream of creating “authentically and formally conceptualized congress”, also we have decided to blend the contemporary sexual therapies with ancient sex doctrines. Our congress where the unspeakable will be spoken, will be realized with the participation of physicians, psychologists, mental health specialists from the fields of psychological counselling and guidance, social services, family consultancy, nurses and midwives, physiotherapists, pharmacists, sex educators and sex researchers. We will organize " courses and workshops with certification" on many subjects, especially "Genital Aesthetics and Cosmetic Gynaecology Video-Based Courses" in the light of the latest scientific data on aesthetic, cosmetic, functional, and reconstructive novel and current methods & practices related to the genitourinary area. During the congress, there will be comprehensive presentations and discussions regarding the current sexual treatment and sexual therapy approaches, new sex research, cutting-edge technologies, and significant developments in sexual health. The below listed topics will be focused during the congress:

  • Sexual dysfunctions
  • Disorders Associated with Sexual Perversions
  • Sexual Perversions (Perversions / Paraphilias)
  • Sexual Identity, Sexual Orientation and Gender Roles
  • Sex Therapy, Sexual Counselling and Sexual Treatments
  • Sex Coaching, Sex Education and Sexual Awareness
  • Holistic and Functional Sexual Treatments
  • MetaSex
  • Interventional Sexual Treatments
  • Cosmetic Urology and Genital Aesthetics
  • Sexual Life during Menopause and Andropause
  • Sexual Life in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period
  • GynaeSexological Treatments
  • Cosmetic Gynaecology and Genital Aesthetics
  • Breast Health and Sexual Life
  • Reproductive Health and Sexual Life in Infertile Couples
  • Andrological, Urological and UroSexological Treatments
  • Medical Aesthetics and Sexual Life
  • Sex Life After Surgery
  • Sexual Life in Oncology Patients and Chronic Diseases
  • Sexual Treatments in Primary Care and Family Medicine
  • Cardiovascular Health and Sexual Life
  • Sexual Counselling for Pharmacists and Nurses
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Sexual Life
  • HPV Vaccines and Sexual Life
  • Sexual Health in Post-Trauma
  • Sexual Life in Psychiatric Diseases
  • OTC Products and Sexual Life
  • Gut Microbiota and Sexual Life
  • Sex Toys and Sexual Life
  • Nutrition, Diet and Sex Life
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Applications and Sexual Life

As CISEF, we will realize the congress with the support and invaluable contributions of these organizations; sexual health association - Association of Sexual Health Institute, psychiatry association - Psychiatry and Psychiatrists Association (PPD), gynaecology association - GynaeSexology Association (JINESEKS), family medicine association - Family Physicians Sexual Treatment and Education Association (AHCITED), urology association - UroSexology Association (ÜROSEKS), psychotherapy association - Psychotherapy and Psychotherapists Association (PSİKODER), hypnosis and hypnotherapy association - Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Education and Research Association (HIPED), nursing association - Nursing Sexual Health Education and Counselling Association (HECEDER), physiotherapy association, Physiotherapy Sexual Health Education and Counselling Association (FICED), the Urogynaecology Association and the International Institute of Integrative Cognitive Psychotherapy (IICPI) as well as the German Society for Social Scientific Sexuality Research (DGSS).

Your valuable contributions and experiences will enrich our congress. Besides, the congress presents a platform to establish strong business and social networks for its participants. We believe that your participation is substantial both for the colleagues who are specialized in sexual health and public health. We hope that you would be willing to share your experience and knowledge at the congress. You may kindly visit the congress website for the program and all other details. Please do not hesitate to contact with us for further information and requests. It is our pleasure to invite you to experience a memorable congress in Cyprus.

With our warm and best regards,

President of CISEF and the Congress Chair
President of WASHE and the Congress Chair
Co-Chairs of the Congress
Cengiz GÜLEÇ